Tara Clark - Founder & Lead MUA
Hey, I’m Tara…
I’m an extroverted, extrovert, I love to laugh, socialise and drink wine (not in that order), have a weird obsession with Vampires and a penchant for quoting Sex and the City. I run the show here at Black Lash HQ which means from the minute you decide to get in touch I’m responsible for the experience you have with my business, and I take that responsibility very seriously.
I head up a team of highly skilled mobile hair and makeup artists who pride themselves on listening to your requests while also offering expert advice. Our service isn’t simply about applying makeup or doing hair, it’s about helping you be the best version of you and giving you an hour of uninterrupted “me time”.
Why Makeup?
My business story started out being all about my kids. I went from having no kids to having 4 (one of which was unplanned) in under 4 years. I couldn’t possibly return to my job in Finance and having qualified as a Makeup Artist when I left school, I thought it was great opportunity to do something I loved but that would still allow me to put everyone else first.
A couple of years in and it dawned on me that’s exactly the attitude I’m trying to change. How can I help women to see that taking time for them is important when I can’t separate my business from being a mother myself!
What I’ve come to realise over the last few years of running my business is that it’s less about the kids and more about YOU. The women out there that feel like everything in life comes before them, that there’s never enough time to do anything that makes you feel good about being you.